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What does the Lexile code RA mean?
Sometimes when students search for book quizzes that we know are in LitPro they don't come up, but when the teacher searches for them they're visible. Why is this happening and how can it be fixed?
A school did not believe that a child's Lexile score was accurate when it came back as BR, so they tested him three more times that week. It said BR until the last test when it was slightly above 100L. What should I tell them?
Teacher added points are not showing up in the class reading report card.
The Class Lexile History Report is not showing the full list of students in the class. Only some students are listed on the report.
Student took an eBook quiz and failed. Then they took the quiz again and passed. The teacher can see data for both quizzes, however the student can only see the second quiz result.
I deleted an order and created a new order. This time, the order's info does not appear in the active orders.
Based on MetaMetrics studies, does the LitPro standard benchmark change yearly?
A student's Lexile score has dropped after the second LitPro Test.
Can we track if students have not completed the LitPro Test?
Students have encountered an error message while trying to create the Recommended Reading List: “There is no reading interest found”.
When students or teachers restrict the Search results to Scholastic eBook collections, can they choose to include only BookFlix, TrueFlix, or LPL/RPL?
What does the BR score actually mean? Why do students score a BR, and they seem to improve, and then score a BR again several months later?
A school doesn't feel comfortable entering real student names into SLZ. What can they do?
Can we turn off the LitPro test so schools can just use the quiz functionality in Literacy Pro?
At what year/grade can students start using Literacy Pro?
What is the free trial period for Literacy Pro and who must approve it?
Does Scholastic offer an application/program for classroom library organization?
Can they produce data as percentiles (i.e., “Your Lexile score indicates that you are in the top 5 percentile for your age/ grade”)?
From what I’ve seen so far, MetaMetrics seems to allocate a fixed number between grades – 150 Lexiles – going up in equal increments between grades? That doesn’t seem very scientific.
How often are the benchmarks recalibrated? I imagine the average Lexile score for children in grade 1 is higher now than it was 10 years ago.
Often independent schools want to compare their pupils against pupils at similar independent schools. Is this possible?
I have a customer who wants specific benchmarks for children who learn English as a second language in Turkey so that she could produce a leveled book list for her students. What would we have to do and how long would it take?
When you refer to “benchmarks” in Literacy Pro, to what are you referring? On what are the benchmarks based?
What is the process to assign Lexile measures to books that do not already have a Lexile?
Which additional features will be coming to LitPro at a later date? When?
If I have a school that is converting from domestic SRI or SRC, is there a way to migrate their students’ historical data into LitPro?
What additional information do I need from a customer to process a LitPro order?
What are the technical requirements for Literacy Pro?
How often should the LitPro Test be taken, and when should educators expect to see a meaningful increase in student Lexile levels?