Literacy Pro/SRI Customer FAQS
- How do I add a Literacy Pro or SLZ shortcut to my desktop?
- I am not able to save Literacy Pro reports in PDF format using IE11.
- If a student is assigned to two different classes, will all of his history and data report show up in both classes, or just one?
- What should I do if my students are having trouble finding book matches?
- Is it possible to have a trial log in so that we can explore Literacy Pro or Reading Pro in more detail?
- Why can't I view a student's Parent Letter or LitPro Test printout?
Literacy Pro/SRP Internal FAQs
- What does the Lexile code RA mean?
- Sometimes when students search for book quizzes that we know are in LitPro they don't come up, but when the teacher searches for them they're visible. Why is this happening and how can it be fixed?
- A school did not believe that a child's Lexile score was accurate when it came back as BR, so they tested him three more times that week. It said BR until the last test when it was slightly above 100L. What should I tell them?
- Teacher added points are not showing up in the class reading report card.
- The Class Lexile History Report is not showing the full list of students in the class. Only some students are listed on the report.
- Student took an eBook quiz and failed. Then they took the quiz again and passed. The teacher can see data for both quizzes, however the student can only see the second quiz result.