Scholastic Literacy Pro supports the following web browsers and operating systems:
Browser |
Operating System |
Internet Explorer 9.x or 10.x |
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP |
Safari 5.x or higher |
Mac OSX, iOS6, iOS7 |
Firefox 10.x or higher |
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OSX, Android 4.x |
Chrome 23 or higher |
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OSX, Android 4.x |
Android 4.x or higher |
Android 4.x |
If you are not sure which version of a browser you are using, open your web browser and go to
Literacy Pro will also work on the iPad 2/3 and the Samsung Galaxy Tab (10").
Make sure you have allowed pop-ups in your browser.
Please note that because Literacy Pro was developed with the latest web technology, it will not run properly on Internet Explorer 8. If you are using IE8, you will need to upgrade to a more recent version of Internet Explorer.
If you are unable to upgrade to a higher version of Internet Explorer or if you would like to download a more recent version of a browser, please use the links below:
Internet Explorer (Windows only)
Safari (Mac only)
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