Literacy Pro/SRI Customer FAQS
- How do I add a Literacy Pro or SLZ shortcut to my desktop?
- I am not able to save Literacy Pro reports in PDF format using IE11.
- If a student is assigned to two different classes, will all of his history and data report show up in both classes, or just one?
- What should I do if my students are having trouble finding book matches?
- Is it possible to have a trial log in so that we can explore Literacy Pro or Reading Pro in more detail?
- Why can't I view a student's Parent Letter or LitPro Test printout?
- Could the set up and training package include an information session for parents?
- Is it possible to have a printed list of the book titles in the database so that we can audit our current school book selection against the books on Literacy Pro/Reading Pro?
- Can the children access the comprehension quizzes at home?
- Is the system updated regularly?
- Do the comprehension questions link to the kinds of questions that will be asked in the new SATs? Will the children using them be SATs ready at the end?
- What level of comprehension is tested? Do the Lexile test questions include higher order reading skills such as inference and deduction?
- At what year/grade can students start using Literacy Pro?
- Can I use Literacy Pro with students who cannot yet read?
- Is there a Spanish version of the parent letter?
- Why can’t my students print their Recommend Reading Lists?
- I do not want my students to be able to see their Lexile measures. Is there a way to hide them?
- My students took the LitPro Test yesterday. I want one of them to retake the test today, but the LitPro Test tab is disabled. How can I give the student access to the test?
- What does it mean to edit the point value for a student activity?
- What can I use the “Add Activity” widget for on the student Reports page?
- What are the “normed Lexile” values that display on the graphs?
- How is the quiz pass rate determined?
- What are certificate levels?
- Why do some of my students have a Lexile measure of ‘BR’ and not a numerical value?
- On the Expected Lexile Growth Report, some of my students do not have an expected Lexile displayed. Why is that?
- Can students get access to practice tests to “prepare” for the Lit Pro Test?
- Why isn’t the test timed?
- Does the LitPro Test have to be administered under test conditions or can students take the test at home?
- Does gender impact students’ Lexile measures?
- Why use grades and not reading ages?